The second season of SCM’s Podcast (beginning November 2023) is hosted by William Gibson and is devoted to the life, theology, and legacy of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. From William’s blog: “This podcast season will have 3 different types of episodes. First, theological, where William will interview theologians and scholars to discuss Bonhoeffer and how he relates [...]

SCM Podcast – Season 2: Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Student Christian Movement, UK) New Episodes Available
Christian Life and Spirituality,
Christology, Bonhoeffer and Political Life,
Interfaith and Comparative Theology,
International Bonhoeffer Society,
Readings and Receptions,
Religionless Christianity,
Responsibility and Moral Agency,
Social Ethics
Adam Spiers, Andrew Clark-Howard, Craig Gardiner, Eleanor McLaughlin, Jack Woodruff, Jennifer M. McBride, Lori Brandt Hale, Naomi Nixon, William Gibson