The second season of SCM’s Podcast (beginning November 2023) is hosted by William Gibson and is devoted to the life, theology, and legacy of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. From William’s blog: “This podcast season will have 3 different types of episodes. First, theological, where William will interview theologians and scholars to discuss Bonhoeffer and how he relates [...]
SCM Podcast – Season 2: Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Student Christian Movement, UK) New Episodes Available
Project Bonhoeffer – UK (Webinar Series: Bonhoeffer’s Legacy for Today) Videos Available Online
Project Bonhoeffer is a small UK-based organization. Set up in 2011, it was created to “inform and remind today’s Christians – young and not-so-young – of the challenges of discipleship that Dietrich Bonhoeffer addressed in his radical theology and in his Christian witness leading to his execution at the hands of the Nazis at the [...]
Why is Dietrich Bonhoeffer Relevant Today?
In 2019, the editors of “Faith & Leadership” – the online magazine of Leadership Education at Duke University, asked five theologians to reflect on the question: why is Bonhoeffer relevant today? In light of ongoing political and civil discord in the United States and around the globe, these reflections – by Stephen R. Haynes, Reggie [...]
Bonhoeffer and the Worldliness of Christianity
A Conversation with Barry Harvey In this 2016 interview with Dr. Barry Harvey, he discusses his latest book on Dietrich Bonhoeffer – Taking Hold of the Real: Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the Profound Worldliness of Christianity (Wipf & Stock, 2015). Watch the Video Interview Dietrich Bonhoeffer writes in one of his last prison letters that he [...]
Bonhoeffer’s Religionless Christianity in Its Christological Context
Bonhoeffer’s Religionless Christianity in Its Christological Context: An Interview with Peter Hooton Q: We’re excited to talk with you about your new book which explores Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s understanding of religionless Christianity. What initially drew you to Bonhoeffer as a topic for research, specifically his incipient thoughts on religionless Christianity? PH: I enjoy his company. His [...]