FREE REGISTRATION Unpacking Bonhoeffer’s Legacy Today Wednesday, January 15Noon–1:00 PM ETOnline Via ZoomDietrich Bonhoeffer has long been celebrated as a powerful symbol of moral resistance to the Nazi regime, with his legacy claimed by Christians across the religious spectrum, from liberal Protestants to Christian Nationalists. Historically, though, he was not a major figure. What do [...]

REGISTRATION OPEN: January 15, 2025: “Unpacking Bonhoeffer’s Legacy for Today,” a conversation with Victoria Barnett, sponsored by ICJS. ONLINE EVENT.

RESOURCE (Fall 2024): A Collection of Public Statements, Movie Reviews, and Essays for Reading, Teaching, and Understanding Bonhoeffer (Links and PDFs) – Check Back for Updates
Statements – Fall 2024 Bonhoeffer Scholars’ Statement, October 2024: LINK Bonhoeffer Scholars’ Statement, October 2024: PDF Bonhoeffer Family Statement, October 2024: PDF Actors’ (Bonhoeffer Film) Statement, November 2024: PDF Movie Reviews – Bonhoeffer: Pastor. Spy. Assassin. Christopher J. Probst, “Film Review: Bonhoeffer, Pastor, Spy, Assassin,” December 2024: LINK Christopher J. Probst, “Film Review: Bonhoeffer, Pastor, [...]

REGISTRATION OPEN: March 7-8, 2025. “Hope in a Divided World: A Faithful Response to Christian Nationalism.” United Lutheran Seminary in Gettysburg, PA. IN-PERSON AND ONLINE.
United Lutheran Seminary Gettysburg, PA An Invitation from Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in PA: Join us for a weekend with Dr. Lori Brandt Hale, president of the International Bonhoeffer Society – English Language Section and Amanda Tyler of Christians Against Christian Nationalism. Discover how people of faith can authentically and humbly act at the intersection of civic life [...]

SIGN AND SHARE THE PETITION: Stop Misusing Dietrich Bonhoeffer to Support Political Violence and Christian Nationalism & UPDATE: Members of Bonhoeffer’s Extended Family Publish Open Letter Condemning the Distortion of his Legacy
Read the statement and sign the petition today! See the Supporters and Sign the Petition! Scholars and church leaders from the US and Germany speak out about the misuse of Bonhoeffer’s legacy in support of political violence and Christian Nationalism. Bonhoeffer Family Open Letter Nearly 100 members of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Extended Family Publish an Open [...]

STATEMENT: Board Members and Staff Members of the Bonhoeffer Haus in Berlin Condemn the Political Appropriation of Dietrich Bonheffer
Board and staff members of the Bonhoeffer Haus Association – Memorial and Place of Encounter in Berlin have issued a statement condemning the political appropriation of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Bonhoeffer House Berlin Condemns Political Appropriation of Dietrich Bonhoeffer (November 2024) As a Memorial and Place of Encounter that documents and passes on the spirit and attitude [...]