Language Sections

International Bonhoeffer Societies

The International Bonhoeffer Society is made up of individual language sections around the world. While there are no formal structures connecting the English Language Section with other sections, relationships among sections have been vital since the start of the society. Relationships have been nurtured at International Congresses and other conferences, during sabbaticals spent abroad, and while working cooperatively on large projects like the DBW/DBWE translation project.

Likewise, Congresses and other events – in South Africa, Britain, Australia, and elsewhere – have built connections and friendships, and these have been drawn upon to do cooperative work.  The most important such planning groups are the ad hoc international committees which have worked with local leaders to plan the quadrennial Congresses.

While the English Language Section is the most international in its membership, spanning the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Scotland, and England, there are also strong Sections of the Society in Germany, Brazil, Japan, China, and the Netherlands.

Dutch Language Section

Contact: Edward van ‘t Slot 

Email: [email protected]

Special chair in Systematic Theology and Church in the 21st century | University of Groningen | Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies | Oude Boteringestraat 38 | 9712 GK Groningen | +31 50 363 8017 |

German Language Section

The International Bonhoeffer Society, German-speaking Section, (ibg) is a scientific association that has set itself the task of preserving the legacy of the Christian, Protestant theologian and resistance fighter Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945) and making it fruitful for the present . She is committed to a teacher of the church whose knowledge and experience will continue to be of great importance for the church and society in the future.

ibg Managing Director:
Dean Dr. Gernot Gerlach
Hohlesteinstrasse 21
34128 Kassel
gernot.gerlach | bei |

Tel 0561 93723090
Fax 0561 93723091

Japanese Language Section

Polish Language Section

Contact: Dr. Joel Burnell

Email: [email protected]

Dr. Joel Burnell
Chair of Theology Dept.
Wyższa Szkoła

ul. św. Jadwigi 12
50-266 Wrocław | Polska
71 346 99 00
Portuguese Language Section


The English Language Section is dedicated to advancing the theology and legacy of German pastor-theologian and Nazi resister, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, in the academy, church, and world, and has been on the forefront of this work for the last fifty years.

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