Mission Statement
The International Bonhoeffer Society – English Language Section (IBS-ELS) is dedicated to advancing the theology and legacy of German pastor-theologian and Nazi resister, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, in the academy, church, and world. The IBS-ELS encourages critical scholarship, engaged pedagogy, constructive readings, and public engagement of Bonhoeffer’s collected writings and serves as an authoritative and responsible resource in those endeavors.
Vision Statement
The International Bonhoeffer Society – English Language Section is committed to…
- It is committed to ongoing critical engagement with the Bonhoeffer materials and offering support to doctoral students and scholars interested in the historical context and textual interpretation of Bonhoeffer’s works.
- It is committed to introducing the life and legacy of Dietrich Bonhoeffer to a broad constituency and offering support to those who teach students in undergraduate institutions and seminaries as well as offer forums and seminars, or employ other creative pedagogical models, in churches and other communities of faith.
- It is committed to the constructive use of Bonhoeffer’s legacy and offering support to those who find him a helpful conversation partner for addressing contemporary concerns in their scholarship, teaching, writing, and/or community outreach.
- It is committed to inviting lay leaders, practitioners, and community activists into its membership and offering support to those who find Bonhoeffer fruitful in their varied vocations, including those who understand the role Bonhoeffer’s legacy can play in resisting injustice.
- It is committed to serving a wide and growing 21st century constituency and developing a centralized virtual community with a strong public presence.
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