United Lutheran Seminary Gettysburg, PA An Invitation from Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in PA: Join us for a weekend with Dr. Lori Brandt Hale, president of the International Bonhoeffer Society – English Language Section and Amanda Tyler of Christians Against Christian Nationalism. Discover how people of faith can authentically and humbly act at the intersection of civic life [...]
REGISTRATION OPEN: March 7-8, 2025. “Hope in a Divided World: A Faithful Response to Christian Nationalism.” United Lutheran Seminary in Gettysburg, PA. IN-PERSON AND ONLINE.
SCM Podcast – Season 2: Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Student Christian Movement, UK) New Episodes Available
The second season of SCM’s Podcast (beginning November 2023) is hosted by William Gibson and is devoted to the life, theology, and legacy of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. From William’s blog: “This podcast season will have 3 different types of episodes. First, theological, where William will interview theologians and scholars to discuss Bonhoeffer and how he relates [...]
T&T Clark New Studies in Bonhoeffer’s Theology and Ethics – New Volumes Available, 2023 (Pre-Order Now)
Series Editors: Jennifer M. McBride, Michael Mawson, and Philip Zeigler Learn More
Bonhoeffer and the Future of Faith – An Online Class Open to All – by Homebrewed Christianity
Tripp Fuller, founder of Homebrewed Christianity, will be joined by Bonhoeffer scholars including Jeffrey C. Pugh, Reggie William, Jenny McBride, Andrew Root, Lori Brandt Hale, and Di Rayson for an online class: Bonhoeffer and the Future of Faith. Launched in May 2023. ONLINE CLASS! From Tripp Fuller: Why does a theologian like Dietrich Bonhoeffer still [...]
Book Review Available of Mauldin’s Barth, Bonhoeffer, and Modern Politics (2021), Review by Dr. Michael DeJonge
Review of Joshua Mauldin’s Barth, Bonhoeffer, and Modern Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021. £65. 165 pp. Michael DeJonge has published a review of Joshua Mauldin’s book in Modern Believing, Volume 64, Issue 2 (April 2023), Liverpool University Press. Available Online (with a subscription) Review by Michael DeJonge Liverpool University Press