Political Life and Theology

SIGN AND SHARE THE PETITION: Stop Misusing Dietrich Bonhoeffer to Support Political Violence and Christian Nationalism & UPDATE: Members of Bonhoeffer’s Extended Family Publish Open Letter Condemning the Distortion of his Legacy

Read the statement and sign the petition today! See the Supporters and Sign the Petition! Scholars and church leaders from the US and Germany speak out about the misuse of Bonhoeffer’s legacy in support of political violence and Christian Nationalism. Bonhoeffer Family Open Letter Nearly 100 members of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Extended Family Publish an Open [...]

Announcement – Two Webinars on Tuesday, November 12th, 2024: “God and the Holocaust: Investigating Faith, Uniting Against Antisemitism” AND “Gun Violence, Christian Nationalism & Dietrich Bonhoeffer” (6:00pm & 7:00pm Central Time, USA)

Two Webinars – November 12th, 2024 Join Dr. Victoria Barnett, General Editor of the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works in English, at 6:00pm (Central Standard Time, USA), on Tuesday, November 12th. Join Rev. John Matthews, Bonhoeffer scholar, at 7:00pm (Central Standard Time, USA) on Tuesday, November 12th. Both events are free of charge, but require registration. More [...]

Event Announcement: “Democracy and Discipleship – Lessons from Dietrich Bonhoeffer in Polarized Times” (July 11th and 12th in Minneapolis, MN) Free Registration is Open

Thursday: Keynote Panel + Q&A Friday: Teaching Workshop and Roundtable Discussion All are welcome! In our fraught times, 20th century pastor and theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer offers moral guidance and courage. He challenges us to consider the impact of our actions for the future. In his famous essay, “Account at the Turn of the Year 1942-1943,” [...]

Texts to Introduce Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Texts and Resources for Introducing Dietrich Bonhoeffer to Students and Others ANTHOLOGIES Bonhoeffer, Dietrich. The Bonhoeffer Reader. Clifford J. Green and Michael DeJonge, eds. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2013. Bonhoeffer, Dietrich. A Testament to Freedom: The Essential Writings of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Geffrey B. Kelly and E. Burton Nelson, eds. New York, NY: Harper Collins, 1990. [...]

Book Anniversary: 40th Anniversary of “A Patriotism for Today: Love of country in dialogue with the witness of Dietrich Bonhoeffer” by Keith Clements

Orig. published 1984 Rev. Dr. Keith Clements, who served as the General Secretary of the Conference of European Churches (1997-2005), reflects on the 40th anniversary of the publication of his book A Patriotism for Today: Love of country in dialogue with the witness of Dietrich Bonhoeffer in light of current political and religious realities, including [...]




The English Language Section is dedicated to advancing the theology and legacy of German pastor-theologian and Nazi resister, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, in the academy, church, and world, and has been on the forefront of this work for the last fifty years.

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