Keynote Presentation:
The Battle over Bonhoeffer: Debating Discipleship in the Age of Trump
Dr. Stephen R. Haynes
Passcode: 3VH!BM.u

Festival Schedule:
12:30: Commemorative Luncheon
1:30: Keynote Presentation – Dr. Stephen R. Haynes, Professor of Religion at Rhodes College
2:45: Panel Discussion and Q & A – led by Rev. Dr. Thomas Johnson
3:30: Reception and Table Talk, Good Shepherd Fellowship Hall
Free and open to public.
Donations are appreciated.
Festival times – Pacific Daylight Savings.
PLEASE RSVP AT [email protected] OR 909-802-9549

Sponsored by the following: Southwest California Synod (ELCA) Pacifica Synod (ELCA), & Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Claremont
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