The Rise of Bonhoeffer: Faith, Resistance, and Theology in Action This asynchronous online class is a deep dive into Bonhoeffer’s life and theology, hosted by Dr. Tripp Fuller and Dr. Jeffrey Pugh. It will include an 8-Part audio docuseries, interviews with Bonhoeffer scholars, livestreams, resources, opportunities for online community and connections, and Q&A sessions with [...]

Sign Up Today! ONLINE Bonhoeffer Podcast & Class – “The Rise of Bonhoeffer: Faith, Resistance, and Theology in Action,” hosted by Homebrewed Christianity’s Tripp Fuller and Jeffrey Pugh (Fall 2024)

XIV International Bonhoeffer Congress in Sydney, Australia, January 2024
Crisis and Hope: Reading Bonhoeffer for Today ‘We should have so much love for this contemporary world of ours, for our fellow human beings, that we should declare our solidarity with it in its crisis and hope’ (DBWE 10:326). The XIV International Bonhoeffer Congress, “Crisis and Hope: Reading Bonhoeffer for Today,” was held January 14-18, 2024 [...]