The second season of SCM’s Podcast (beginning November 2023) is hosted by William Gibson and is devoted to the life, theology, and legacy of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
From William’s blog:
“This podcast season will have 3 different types of episodes. First, theological, where William will interview theologians and scholars to discuss Bonhoeffer and how he relates to our Christian life and political action today. Second, activist episodes, in these episodes SCM members and Christian political activists will share what Faith in Action means to them and spend some time reflecting on Bonhoeffer’s impact on their activism. Third, devotional, these episodes draw upon the theology and work of Bonhoeffer to provide you with a space to reflect and pray.”
Episode 1: DEVOTIONAL, A World Come of Age (9:01 minutes)
Episode 2: ACTIVIST, DSEI Arms Fair and Peace Pilgrimage with Phoebe Edmonds (24:34 minutes)
Bonus Episode, Prayers of Love and Faith with Rev. Naomi Nixon (38:15 minutes)
Episode 3: THEOLOGICAL, Church for the World: A Theology of Public Witness with Rev. Dr. Jennifer McBride (44:45 minutes)
Episode 4: DEVOTIONAL, The Cost of Discipleship Reflection (8:59 minutes)
Episode 5: ACTIVIST, Young Christian Climate Network: Climate Activism with Chris Manktelow (26:20 minutes)
Epidsode 6: THEOLOGICAL, Melodies of a New Monasticism: Bonhoeffer’s Vision, Iona’s Witness with Dr. Craig Gardiner (26:44 minutes)
Bonus Episode, SCM Christmas with Staff Team (51:47 minutes)
Episode 7: DEVOTIONAL, Being for Others Meditation (9:53 minutes)
Episode 8: ACTIVIST/THEOLOGICAL, Poverty, The Christian Left, and Bonhoeffer’s Proletariat Christ with Adam Spiers (32:14 minutes)
Episode 9: THEOLOGICAL, Bonhoeffer, Colonialism, and the View from Below from Above with Andrew Clark-Howard (29:30 minutes)
Bonus Episode, Craftivism with Phoebe Edmonds (29:22 minutes)
Episode 10: DEVOTIONAL, Religionless Christianity (10:34 minutes)
Bonus Episode, No Faith in Fossil Fuels Lent Vigil (24:38 minutes)
Episode 11: ACTIVIST/THEOLOGICAL, Ecumenism, Iona, and Pilgrim Cross with Jack Woodruff (17:54 minutes)
Episode 12: THEOLOGICAL, Bonhoeffer and the Interfaith Imperative with Dr. Lori Brandt Hale (28:12 minutes)
Episode 13: THEOLOGICAL, Unconscious Christianity with Dr. Eleanor McLaughlin (31:19 minutes)
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