Project Bonhoeffer is a small UK-based organization. Set up in 2011, it was created to “inform and remind today’s Christians – young and not-so-young – of the challenges of discipleship that Dietrich Bonhoeffer addressed in his radical theology and in his Christian witness leading to his execution at the hands of the Nazis at the [...]
XII International Bonhoeffer Congress (2016)
Engaging Bonhoeffer in a Global Era: Christian Belief, Witness, Service 6 – 10 July 2016 Basel, Switzerland
Sermon on Dietrich Bonhoeffer
In a sermon broadcast live on BBC Radio 4’s Sunday Worship (Sunday, 26 February 2012), Archbishop Rowan Williams preached on the theme of freedom – what it means to be free and how we can achieve the true freedom ‘to be what we most deeply are’. Speaking on the first Sunday in Lent at King’s [...]