January 11th, 2021 Executive Board Statement by the International Bonhoeffer Society – English Language Section In light of the domestic terrorist attack on the Capitol and Congress of the United States of America, fueled and facilitated by white supremacy, invigorated by false narratives about what was a free and fair election, and incited by President [...]
Statement Issued by the Executive Board of the International Bonhoeffer Society – English Language Section (January 11th, 2021)
Statement Issued by the Board of Directors of the International Bonhoeffer Society (January 15th, 2020)
January 15th, 2020 The Board of Directors of the International Bonhoeffer Society – English Language Section Issues Statement of Concern The International Bonhoeffer Society – English Language Section (IBS-ELS) is dedicated to advancing the theology and legacy of German pastor-theologian and Nazi resistor Dietrich Bonhoeffer through critical scholarship, engaged pedagogy, and constructive readings of Bonhoeffer’s [...]
International Bonhoeffer Society Executive Board Meeting
The Board of Directors of the International Bonhoeffer Society – English Language Society (IBS-ELS) met last Friday (11/17/18) in Denver, CO in advance of the American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting. The Board renewed its commitment to advancing the theology and legacy of Dietrich Bonhoeffer in the academy, church, and world as well as encouraging [...]
Statement by the Board of Directors of the International Bonhoeffer Society (February 1st, 2017)
Statement Issued by the Board of Directors of the International Bonhoeffer Society – English Language Section, February 1, 2017 Comprising scholars and religious leaders from the United States, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom, the purpose of the English Language Section of the International Bonhoeffer Society is to encourage critical scholarship [...]