Michael Mawson

Ph.D. Announcement: Congratulations to Rev. Dr. Claire Hein Blanton

Dissertation: Rev. Dr. Claire Hein Blanton “Between Resistance and Submission: Bonhoeffer, Luther, and Christian Witness as Political Theology” Congratulations to Rev. Dr. Claire Hein Blanton who received her Ph.D. from the University of Aberdeen this second week of July 2022. Her thesis was written under the supervision of Dr. Philip Ziegler and Dr. Michael Mawson. [...]

Book Announcement: Discipleship and Unity: Bonhoeffer’s Ecumenical Theology (by Cole Jodon)

New Book by Cole Jodon, Forthcoming July 2022 From the Lexington Books: Lexington Books, 2022 Discipleship and Unity: Bonhoeffer’s Ecumenical Theology presents a fresh approach to church unity and discipleship from a familiar voice. Building constructively from the thought of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Cole Jodon offers an account of ecumenism in which the church is understood to [...]

Christ Existing as Community: An Interview with Michael Mawson

Christ Existing as Community: Bonhoeffer’s Ecclesiology Q: We’re excited to talk with you about your new book which explores Bonhoeffer’s often neglected dissertation, Sanctorum Communio. This book grew out of your own doctoral dissertation at the University of Notre Dame. What initially drew you to Sanctorum Communio as a topic for your research, and why [...]




The English Language Section is dedicated to advancing the theology and legacy of German pastor-theologian and Nazi resister, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, in the academy, church, and world, and has been on the forefront of this work for the last fifty years.

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