Bonhoeffer Bibliography: Primary Sources and Secondary Literature in English
Prepared by Stephen Haynes
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich. “A Visible Reality,” 43-47, “Idealism,” 98-101, “The Center,” 130-135, “Transparency,” 245-246, “At Table,” 261-263, in Charles E. Moore, ed., Called to Community. The Life Jesus Wants for His People. Walden, New York: Plough Publishing House, 2016.
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich. “Gideon,” 51-61 in Dean G. Stroud, ed., Preaching in Hitler’s Shadow: Sermons of Resistance in the Third Reich. Grand Rapids, Eerdmans, 2013 (DBWE 12:461-467).
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich. God is on the Cross. Reflections on Lent and Easter. Edited by Jana Riess. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2012.
Abraham, Nicholas J. Living Together in Unity with Bonhoeffer. Lived Theology Series. Bellingham, WA: Lexham, 2023.
Anthonissen, Carel. “Living through the Fire: Bonhoeffer’s Thoughts on a Credible Church for Today.” Stellenbosch Theological Journal 2:2 (2016): 13-38.
Barnett, Victoria J. “Interpreting Bonhoeffer Post-Bethge.” Contemporary Church History Quarterly 20:3 (2014).
Banman, Joel. Life in the Humanity of Christian Theology: Anthropology in the Ethics of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. M. Div. Honors Thesis. Providence Theological Seminary, Manitoba, 2013.
Becker, Matthew. “Bonhoeffer, Dietrich,” 96-97 in Dictionary of Luther and the Lutheran Traditions, ed. Timothy J. Wengert, et al. Grand Rapids, Baker Academic, 2017.
Benac, Dustin. “A Bonhoefferian Approach to Social Analysis: Life Together as Communio, Relation and Possibility.” The Bonhoeffer Legacy. An International Journal 5:2 (2018): 63-81.
Benge, Janet & Geoff. Dietrich Bonhoeffer: In the Midst of Wickedness. Seattle, YWAM Publishing, 2012.
Bollongino, Judith. “Ethical Dilemmas and Political Decision-Making: How Bonhoeffer’s Insights on Culpability Deepen Ethical Reflection.” Paper delivered to the Bonhoeffer: Theology and Social Analysis Section of the American Academy of Religion, November 2023.
Burke, Meaghan. “Art Together, Prayer Together: Relational and Revelatory Practices of Joseph Beuys, Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Leslie Iwai.” Religions 14:1 (2023),
Burkholder, Benjamin. “Christological Foundations for an Ecological Ethic: Learning from Bonhoeffer.” Scottish Journal of Theology 66:3 (2013): 338-356
Burkholder, Benjamin. “Violence, Atonement, and Retributive Justice: Bonhoeffer as a Test Case.” Modern Theology 33:3 (2017): 395-413.
Cahill, Charlie. “The Pragmatic Roots of Bonhoeffer’s Ethics: A Reappraisal of Bonhoeffer’s Time at Union Theological Seminary, 1930-1931.” German Studies Review 36:1 (2013): 21–39,
Chishi, Bokali K. “Martin Luther’s Theology of the Cross, the Two Kingdoms and its Application to Conflict in Nagaland.” STM Tesis. Boston University, 2010.
Clark-Howard, Andrew. “The Architecture of Transcendence: John Webster and Dietrich Bonhoeffer on Divine Agency, Christology and Theological Method.” Scottish Journal of Theology 76:1 (2023): 1-13,
Clark-Howard, Andrew. “Bonhoeffer, Gutiérrez, and the ‘Limitations of Modern (Settler) Theology’.” Paper delivered to the Bonhoeffer: Theology and Social Analysis Section of the American Academy of Religion, November 2023.
Clements, Keith. “Worldliness or Unworldliness? The Issue between Bonhoeffer and Bultmann as Seen by Ronald Gregor Smith.” Scottish Journal of Theology 34:6 (1981): 531-549.
Clements, Keith. “Dialogue or Confession? Ecumenical Responsibility and the War in Ukraine.” Journal of Anglican Studies 21:2 (2023): 248-259.
Cooper, Michael T. and Matthew S. Harbour. “The Jesus of ‘He Gets Us’: Sorting Our Christology.” Journal of the Evangelical Missiological Society 3:1 (2023).
Cruickshank, Dan D. “‘To our Earthly View Dietrich is Dead’: George Bell’s Eulogy for Dietrich Bonhoeffer.” Studies in Church History 59 (2023): 446-470.
Dankers, P. & Willerton, C. W. “A Teleological Interpretation of Bonhoeffer’s Concept of ‘A World Come of Age’.” Dialog 62 (2023): 216-227.
DeGruchy, John W. “Bonhoeffer, Calvinism and Christian Civil Disobedience in South Africa.” Scottish Journal of Theology 34:3 (1981).
Dei, Daniel and Dennis E. Akawobsa. “Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Perspective on Racism.” HTS Teologiese Studies 78:1 (2022),
DeJonge, Michael. “Dietrich Bonhoeffer” in Matthias Grebe and Johannes Grössl, eds., Handbook of Suffering and the Problem of Evil. London: T&T Clark, 2023.
Della Torre II, Frank. “Mediating Feuerbach and Barth: Bonhoeffer’s This-Worldly Theology.” Scottish Journal of Theology 76:3 (2023), 1-15.
DeVine, Mark. Bonhoeffer Speaks Today: Following Jesus at all Costs. Nashville, Tennessee, Broadman & Holman, 2005.
“Dietrich Bonhoeffer. A Modern Martyr,” 137-147, in Christopher Ryan Jones and Katherina Hirt, eds., Handbook of Reading Theological German. Grand Rapids, Michigan, Zondervan Academic, 2021.
Dietz, Dennis. Offenbarung und Glaube: Eine heilsgeschichtlich-hamartiologische Untersuchung der Theologie Dietrich Bonhoeffers. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Studien. Gütersloher: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2020.
Dorrien, Gary. “Threads of Friendship and Theological Contention: Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Reinhold Niebuhr, and Paul Lehmann.” Paper delivered to the Bonhoeffer: Theology and Social Analysis Section of the American Academy of Religion, November 2023.
Duff, Nancy J., Ry O. Siggelkow, and Brandon K. Watson, eds. The Revolutionary Gospel: Paul Lehmann and the Direction of Theology Today. Lanham, Maryland and London: Lexington Books/Fortress Academic, 2022.
Flanagan, Robert. Not for Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Trumansburg, New York: New/Books, 1969.
Franklin, Patrick S. “Destruction and Restoration of Genuine Human Community in Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Creation and Fall,” 226-254 in Rick Wadholm Jr. and Meghan D. Musy, eds., Community: Biblical and Theological Reflections in Honor of August A. Konkel. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2022.
Franklin, Patrick S. “Bonhoeffer for the Missional Church: An Exposition and Critique of the Missional Church Movement’s Ecclesiology in Light of the Ecclesiology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.” Th.M Thesis. Regent College 2001.
Fredstrom, William G. “Bonhoeffer’s Stellvertretung: A Christ-Like Ecclesial Ethic for Serving ‘Galilean’ Neighbors.” Word & World 43:2 (2023): 166-174.
Gebuhr, Ann K. The Genesis of an Opera: Bonhoeffer. Impression Arts, 2015, [email protected].
Grebe, Matthias, Nadine Hamilton, and Christian Schlenker, eds. Bonhoeffer and Christology: Revisiting Chalcedon. New Studies in Bonhoeffer’s Theology and Ethics. T&T Clark, 2023.
Green, Clifford J. “Bonhoeffer, Dietrich (1906-1945),” 137-140 in Leslie Houlden, ed., Jesus in History, Thought, and Culture, An Encyclopedia, volume 1. Santa Barbara: ABC CLIO, 2003.
Green, Clifford J. “Bonhoeffer in the Context of Erikson’s Luther Study,” 162-196 in Roger A. Johnson, ed., Psychohistory and Religion: The Case of Young Man Luther. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1977.
Greggs, Tom. Barth and Bonhoeffer as Contributors to a Post-Liberal Ecclesiology: Essays of Hope for a Fallen and Complex World. London: Bloomsbury Collections, 2023.
Harnick, George and Brant M. Himes. Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Neo-Calvinism in Dialogue: Perspectives in Public Theology. Portland, ME: Pickwick, 2023.
Hale, Lori Brandt. “From Loving Enemies to Acting Responsibly: Forgiveness in the Life and Theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.” Word and World 27:1 (2007): 79–87.
Hauerwas, Stanley. “Dietrich Bonhoeffer and John Howard Yoder,” 207-222 in Jeffrey P. Greenman, et al., eds, The Sermon on the Mount Through the Ages: From the Early Church to John Paul II. Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos Press, 2007.
Haynes, Stephen R. “Are We Still of Any Use? Reading Bonhoeffer through a Carceral Lens.” Paper delivered to the Bonhoeffer: Theology and Social Analysis Section of the American Academy of Religion, November 2023.
Hedge, Austin. “Harlem & Vicarious Representative Action: The Impact of Bonhoeffer’s Year Abroad on the Development of the Motif Stellvertretung,”,
Heinem, Neil. “Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Encounter with Catholicism as Theology through Biography.” STM Dissertation. Worcester College, Oxford University, 2013.
Hooton, Peter. “‘I Am for You, and You Are for Me. God’s Claim’: A Christological Meditation on Bonhoeffer’s Ethic of Responsibility.” The Bonhoeffer Legacy: An International Journal 6:2 (2018).
Hopkins, Theodore J. “Luther and Bonhoeffer on the Sermon on the Mount: Similar Tasks, Different Tools.” Concordia Theological Journal 7:1 (2020): 34-59.
Jobe, Sarah. “Bonhoeffer’s Prison Chaplain: Harald Poelchau ad Being Made Sin for the Sake of Salvation.” Paper delivered to the Bonhoeffer: Theology and Social Analysis Section of the American Academy of Religion, November 2023.
Judson, Timothy R. “White on Black on White: The Connection of Karl Barth and James H. Cone to Dietrich Bonhoeffer.” Black Theology: An International Journal 21:1 (2023),
Judson, Timothy R. Awaken in Gethsemane: Bonhoeffer and the Witness of Christian Lament. Waco, TX: Baylor, 2023.
Jüngel, Eberhard. “Bonhoeffer’s Contribution to the Return of ‘Death of God’ Talk to Theology,” 56-63 in God as the Mystery of the World: On the Foundation of the Theology of the Crucified One in the Dispute between Theism and Atheism. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1983.
Kgatla, S. T. “The Church for Others. The Relevance of Dietrich Bonhoeffer for the Dutch Reformed Church Today.” Missionalia: South African Journal of Missiology 17.3 (1989): 151-161.
Kim, Benjamin H. “The Place of Mission in Bonhoeffer’s Ethics.” International Bulletin of Mission Research 44:2 (2020).
Kim, Benjamin H. “Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Ethics of Obedience and Responsibility in the Context of Pacifism and Just War.” STM Thesis. Boston University School of Theology, 2015.
Kline, Scott Travis. “A Genealogy of a German Lutheran Two-Kingdoms Concept: From a German Theology of the Status Quo to an East German Theology of Critical Solidarity.” Ph.D. Dissertation. McGill University, Montreal, 2001.
Koslowski, Jutta. “Details from the Life of the Bonhoeffer Family: New Insights about the Biography and Theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer in the Memoirs of his Youngest Sister Susanne.” Theology Today 77:1 (2020): 9-32.
Koslowski, Jutta. “Forcing Every Thought and Action into Responsibility: An Unpublished Curriculum Vitae from Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Fiancée Maria von Wedemeyer,” ed. Jutta Koslowski. Theology Today 80:1 (2023),
Lam, Jason. “Bringing Bonhoeffer into Dialogue with Schmitt in Contemporary China.” International Journal of Public Theology (2023),
Lam, Jason. “Reading Bonhoeffer amid the Hong Kong Protests.” Studies in World Christianity 27:2 (2021): 170-193,,
Langdon, Adrian E. V. “Embedded Existence: Bonhoeffer, Barth, and Ecological Anthropology.” Didaskalia 25 (2015): 58-76.
Lee, Shinkyu. “Between Conscience and Tyranny: Arendt and Bonhoeffer on Truth and Politics.” Paper delivered to the Bonhoeffer: Theology and Social Analysis Section of the American Academy of Religion, November 2023.
Lehmann, Paul L. “Dietrich Bonhoeffer: A Theological Friendship,” 299-386, in Nancy J. Duff, Ry O. Siggelkow and Brandon K. Watson, eds., The Revolutionary Gospel: Paul Lehman and the Direction of Theology Today. Lanham, Maryland and London: Lexington Books/Fortress Academic, 2022.
Longkumer, Bendangrenla S. “Bonhoeffer’s Theology of Resistance in the Context of Global Justice.” International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences 8:1 (2023): 249-252.
Lovat, Terence. “Bonhoeffer’s Religionless Christianity in Conversation with Islamic Scholarship.” The Bonhoeffer Legacy: An International Journal 6:2 (2018),
Marsh, Charles. Resisting the Bonhoeffer Brand: A Life Reconsidered. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2023. Previously published in The Other Journal 32 (2021),
Mauldin, Joshua ed. 30-Day Journey with Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2019.
Mauldin, Joshua. “Protestantism without Reformation: Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Indictment of American Christianity.” Theology Today 80:1 (2023),
Mawson, Michael. “Lutheran or Lutherisch? Framing Bonhoeffer’s Reception of Luther.” Modern Theology 35:2 (2019): 352-356.
Mawson, Michael. Standing under the Cross: Essays on Bonhoeffer’s Theology. T&T Clark New Studies on Bonhoeffer’s Ethics and Theology. London: T&T Clark, 2023.
McLaughlin, Eleanor. Unconscious Christianity in Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Late Theology: Encounters with the Unknown Christ. Lanham: Lanham, Maryland and London: Lexington Books/Fortress Academic, 2020.
Macleod, Dayspring. Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Hall of Faith. Trailblazers Series. Fearn, UK: Christian Focus, 2023.
Meyer, Lutz. “Bonhoeffer’s ‘Arcanum’ as Source for a Public Theology of Jerusalem and Athens: Reflections on the ‘Foolish’ Side of Faith and the Need for Spirituality in Public Discourse within a Post-Secular Society.”,
Millies, Stephen P. “‘Ground Under Their Feet’: Politics and Faith in Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Challenge to the Twentieth Century,” (2003),
Morgan, Gabriel. “The Roads We Must Travel: A Narrative Interpretation of Bonhoeffer’s Concept of the Penultimate.” Ph.D. Dissertation. United Lutheran Seminary, Philadelphia, 2017.
Muehlhaus, Karl-Hermann. “True Patriotism—Aspects of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Life and Theology.” Paper Presented as the Annual Theological Lecture of Lutheran Theological Seminary, Hong Kong (1995),,
Munzer, Stephen R. “Questioning Bonhoeffer on Temptation.” Irish Theological Quarterly 85:3 (2020): 265-285,
Nessan, Craig L. and Renate Wind, trans. Who is Christ for Us? Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Minneapolis, Fortress Press, 2002.
Newell, Roger J. “Dietrich Bonhoeffer: To Seize the Wheel Itself,” 15-25 in Keine Gewalt! No Violence! How the Church gave Birth to Germany’s Only Peaceful Revolution. Eugene, OR, Wipf & Stock, 2017.
Nichols, Stephen J. Bonhoeffer on the Christian Life: From the Cross for the World. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2013.
Nielsen, Kirsten Busch, Ralf K. Wüstenberg and Jens Zimmermann, eds. A Spoke in the Wheel: The Political in the Theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2013.
Nissen, Ulrik B. “Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the Ethics of Plenitude.” Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 26:1 (2006): 97-114.
Nissen, Ulrik Becker. “Letting Reality Become Real: On Mystery and Reality in Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Ethics.” Journal of Religious Ethics 39:2 (2011): 321–343.
O’Farrell, Kevin. Dietrich Bonhoeffer and a Theology of the Exception. T&T Clark New Studies in Bonhoeffer’s Theology and Ethics. London: T&T Clark, 2023.
Paeth, Scott. “Bonhoeffer behind Bars: Teaching ‘Letters and Papers from Prison’ in a Carceral Context.” Paper delivered to the Bonhoeffer: Theology and Social Analysis Section of the American Academy of Religion, November 2023.
Park, Wook Joo. “Christian Faith for the Existence of a Relational Person: A Comparative Study on Bonhoeffer’s Theological-Sociological Concept of Person and Husserl’s Phenomenological Concept of Pure Subject.” Korea Presbyterian Journal of Theology 51:2 (2019): 113-145.
Patterson, Eric. “Moral vs. Immoral Resistance Part II: ‘Dietrich Bonhoeffer vs. Columbia’s Terrorists.’” Providence (August 18, 2023).
Pickett, Howard. “‘Farewell, Comrade’: Rethinking Substitution and Incarceration in Bonhoeffer’s Prison Writings.” Paper delivered to the Bonhoeffer: Theology and Social Analysis Section of the American Academy of Religion November, 2023.
Radler, Karola. “‘Who Are You?’: The Dialectic Tension of the Fried-Enemy Theorem in Carl Scmitt’s ‘Gestalt’.” Paper delivered to the Bonhoeffer: Theology and Social Analysis Section of the American Academy of Religion, November 2023.
Radler, Karola. “The Tension between ‘Risk’ and ‘Guilt’ in the Theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Exploration of Responsible Life.” Stellenbosch Theological Journal 6:4 (2020): 113-138.
Radler, Karola. “The Constant Reality beyond Exception and Rule in Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Theology.” Acta Theologica 43:1 (2023): 128-136.
Radler, Karola. “Bonhoeffer Navigating a Way through Law, Justice and Faith.” The Bonhoeffer Legacy: An International Journal 7:1, 2,
Rasmussen, Larry. “Dietrich and Karl-Friedrich Bonhoeffer: The Brothers Bonhoeffer on Science, Morality, and Theology.” Zygon 44:1 (2009): 97-113.
Rayson, Dianne. Bonhoeffer and Climate Change: Theology and Ethics for the Anthropocene. Minneapolis: Fortress, 2023.
Richards, Jeffrey Jon. War Time Preaching and Teaching. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009.
Robinson, David S. “Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Christological Reinterpretation of Heidegger by Nik Byle.” Journal for Continental Philosophy of Religion 5 (2023): 125-128.
Robinson, Marilynne. “Dietrich Bonhoeffer,” 108-125 in The Death of Adam: Essays on Modern Thought. New York: Picador, 2005.
Ross, Jameson E. Bonhoeffer as Biblical Interpreter: Reading Scripture in 1930s Germany. London: T.&T. Clark, 2023.
Scott, Peter. “Christ, Nature, Sociality: Dietrich Bonhoeffer for an Ecological Age.” Scottish Journal of Theology 54:4 (2000).
Simpson, Gary M. “Twentieth-Century Profile: Dietrich Bonhoeffer,” 78-81 in Kathrin Kleinhans, ed., Together by Grace. Introducing the Lutherans. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2016
Slocum, Robert B. “Thrown into God’s Arms: The ‘Sacrificial Grace of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.” Journal of Ecumenical Studies 58:1 (2023): 16-30.
Smith, Robert O. “Bonhoeffer Moment(s)?: Learning to See ‘From Below’ in Indian Country.” Theology Today 76:2 (2019): 142-157.
Soto-Morera, Diego A. “The Theological Enemy: Hostility and Community in Dietrich Bonhoeffer.” Perspectiva Teologica 54:3 (2022).
Stroud, Dean G., ed. “Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the ‘Jewish Question,’” 36-41 in Preaching in Hitler’s Shadow. Sermons of Resistance in the Third Reich. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2013.
Tang, Andres S. K. “Confucianism and Bonhoeffer on Individualism and Community: From the Perspective of the Way of Humanization. Ching Fen. A Journal on Christianity and Chinese Religion and Culture 1:1 (2000): 97-103.
Tarassenko, Joanna. The Spirit of Polyphony: Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Pneumatology. London: T&T Clark/Bloomsbury, 2024.
Theophanos, Kosta. “The Religious Dimension of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s View of ‘cur curvum in se’: An Interpretive Key for Pastoral Care/Counseling (2011),,
Thiemann, Ronald F. “Bonhoeffer’s Ethic of Vulnerability and Responsibility, 172-188 in The Humble Sublime. Secularity and the Politics of Belief. London and New York: I.B. Tauris, 2014.
Tietz, Christiane. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Studien 2. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2021.
Van der Riet, Ryno Louis. “Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Office of Truth-telling.” In Knowing Truth, Embodying Justice: A Theological Analysis of Truth-Telling and Transitional Justice in South Africa. Darmstadt: WBG Academic, 2023.
Vosloo, Robert. “Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Reformation Day Sermons and Performative Remembering.” Theology Today 74:3 (2017): 252-262.
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Webster, John. “‘In the Shadow of Biblical Work’: Barth and Bonhoeffer on Reading the Bible.” Toronto Journal of Theology 17:1 (2001): 75-92.
Weikart, Richard. “The Troubling Truth about Bonhoeffer’s Theology.” Christian Research Journal 35:6 (2012).
Welker, Michael. “Bonhoeffer’s Theological Legacy in Widerstand und Ergebung. Sino-Christian Studies: An International Journal of Bible, Theology & Philosophy 1 (2006): 107-123.
Wertz, Myles. “Church is Life Together or Not at All.” Christianity Today (September 14, 2023),
Westhuizen, Henco van der. “Doing Theology from Below, from Below? Bonhoeffer, De Gruchy, South Africa.” Stellenbosch Theological Journal 6:4 (2020): 83-112.
Wiedersheim, Keith Andrew. “Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Ideology, Praxis and His Influence on the Theology of Liberation.” Political Theology 23:8 (2021): 721-738,
Whyte, Christoper. “‘Theology from the Underside’: A Critical Analysis of Dieterich Bonhoeffer’s ‘View from Below’.” Paper delivered to the Bonhoeffer: Theology and Social Analysis Section of the American Academy of Religion, November 2023.
Wilmington, Molly F. and Morcin Piwowarski. Dietrich Bonhoeffer: The Teacher Who Became a Spy. Nashville: B&H Publishing Group, 2023.
Ziegler, Philip Gordon. “Bonhoeffer: A Theology of Sociality” (review). Consensus 27:2 (2001): 100-102.