Created and hosted by Corey Tuttle, The Bonhoeffer Podcast features conversations with 40 Bonhoeffer scholars about their ideas and claims, books and articles, as well as their interest in and journey to the life and legacy of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. The Bonhoeffer Podcast (on Apple Podcasts) The Bonhoeffer Podcast (on SoundCloud)
Bonhoeffer and the Worldliness of Christianity
A Conversation with Barry Harvey In this 2016 interview with Dr. Barry Harvey, he discusses his latest book on Dietrich Bonhoeffer – Taking Hold of the Real: Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the Profound Worldliness of Christianity (Wipf & Stock, 2015). Watch the Video Interview Dietrich Bonhoeffer writes in one of his last prison letters that he [...]
Bonhoeffer’s Religionless Christianity in Its Christological Context
Bonhoeffer’s Religionless Christianity in Its Christological Context: An Interview with Peter Hooton Q: We’re excited to talk with you about your new book which explores Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s understanding of religionless Christianity. What initially drew you to Bonhoeffer as a topic for research, specifically his incipient thoughts on religionless Christianity? PH: I enjoy his company. His [...]
Aus dem Leben der Familie Bonhoeffer
Jutta Koslowski (ed.) Foreword by Andreas Dreß, Aus dem Leben der Familie Bonhoeffer: Die Aufzeichnungen von Dietrich Bonhoeffers jüngster Schwester Susanne Dreß.Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2018. ISBN: 978-3-579-07152-7 Q: We’re excited to talk with you about your new book which contains the memoirs of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s youngest sister Susanne! What initially drew you to Susanne and the [...]
The Scientific World of Karl-Friedrich Bonhoeffer: An Interview with Kathleen L. Housley
The Scientific World of Karl-Friedrich Bonhoeffer: The Entanglement of Science, Religion, and Politics on Nazi Germany Q: We’re excited to talk with you about your new book about Karl-Friedrich Bonhoeffer! What initially drew you to Karl-Friedrich as a subject for your book, especially considering the immense popularity of his youngest brother? KH: The road to [...]