Documentary: Bonhoeffer (90 minutes)

Doblmeier, Martin, Klaus Maria Brandauer, Adele Schmidt, Richard Mancini, John Keltonic, Journey Films, First-Run Features (Firm), and South Carolina Educational Television Network, dirs. 2003. Bonhoeffer. First Run Features.

Released in 1984

Documentary: Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Memories and Perspectives (90 minutes)

Drake, Gerald. 2006 (DVD). Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Memories and Perspectives. Directed by Bain Boehlke, Oliver Osterberg, George F Sutton, Trinity Films, and Vision Video (Firm). Original release date: 1984.

Directed by Kevin Ekvall

Docu-Drama: Come Before Winter (75 minutes)

Ekvall, Kevin, Gary Blount, Helmut Schlingensiepen, Rajeev Sigamoney, Todd Kline, 2017. Come Before Winter. Stories That Glow Collectors.

Featuring Ulrich Tukur

Docu-Drama: Bonhoeffer, Agent of Grace (88 minutes)

Tukur, Ulrich, Robert Joy, Johanna Klante, R. H Thomson, John Neville, Pfändner Gabriela, Blu Mankuma, et al., dirs. 2000. Bonhoeffer, Agent of Grace. Gateway Films Vision Video.




The English Language Section is dedicated to advancing the theology and legacy of German pastor-theologian and Nazi resister, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, in the academy, church, and world, and has been on the forefront of this work for the last fifty years.

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