“With Courage and Humility: Bonhoeffer’s Ethical Approach for Us Today”
Second Tuesdays of the Month via Zoom
1:00pm – 2:30pm (Pacific Time)
FACILITATOR: Dr. Mark Brocker (Past President, International Bonhoeffer Society – English Language Section)
REGISTRATION & ZOOM LINK: Email Dr. Brocker – [email protected]
FORMAT: Presentation (1:00 – 1:40) and Discussion (1:40 – 2:30)
Dietrich Bonhoeffer may be best known for his bold, courageous involvement in the
conspiracy against Hitler. But the truth is that he displayed courage and humility in
making key decisions in his life and career, cut short by his execution at the hand of the Nazis. For that reason he provides us with a profile in courage and humility. To a significant extent, the content of Bonhoeffer’s Ethics reflects the time in which it was written. Nonetheless, his ethical approach is as relevant for us today as it was in the time of Nazi Germany. It can be applied to both ordinary and extraordinary situations. It emphasizes dependence on God’s grace and yet affirms that human beings have real responsibility for history. It recognizes that we are called to act with boldness and courage, but always with a profound sense of ethical humility.
Dr. Brocker presented a paper for the January 2024 XIV International Bonhoeffer Congress in Sydney, Australia, bearing the title of this class: “With Courage and Humility: Bonhoeffer’s Ethical Approach for Us Today.” He has begun work on a book by that title. His goal is to make Bonhoeffer’s ethical approach as accessible as possible to as wide an audience of thoughtful people as possible. This class will contribute to the writing process.
1) Read assigned texts for the given session. 2) Respond to provided questions in 25 words or less per question. 3) Receive an outline for the presentation in advance.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Ethics, Volume 6 of Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works
(Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2005). [EACH PARTICIPANT MUST HAVE A COPY OF THIS EDITION.]
Other texts will be distributed via email.
September 10: A Profile in Courage and Humility (1920–1934) (Reading TBD)
October 8: A Profile in Courage and Humility (1934–1945) (Reading TBD)
November 12: A Miracle of Divine Mercy (Ethics, pp. 47–75)
December 10: Ethics as Formation (Ethics, pp. 76–102)
January 14: The Responsible Person (Ethics, pp. 219–298)
February 11: The Responsible Community (Ethics, pp. 134–145, 339–351, 352–362, 388–408)
March 11: Discerning the Will of God (Ethics, pp. 299–338)
April 8: Responsible Decision-Making: A Case Study Method (Reading TBD and Ethics, pp. 171–218)
May 13: Unfinished Work: Ecological Trajectory of Bonhoeffer’s Ethical Approach (Ethics, pp. 116–124)

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