The Evangelical School of Theology and the Pontifical Faculty of Theology
Wrocław, Poland May 30 – June 1, 2022
Conference Schedule
May 30, 2022 (Monday)
St. Christopher’s Church, Saint Stephen’s Square 1
18:00 Welcome: Rev. Karol Długosz
18:05 Wroclaw Roads to Freedom: Rev. Dr. Joel Burnell, Fr. Prof. Bogdan Ferdek
18:15 Rev. Dr. Joel Lawrence, USA: “History, Reality, and the Church: Reframing Bonhoeffer’s ‘This-worldliness’ for a Post-Christian Age”.
18:45 Instrumental Concert: “Goodness and Light”, Khrystyna Sosnovska (violin) and Sofiia Hanzi (flute)
19:15 Conclusion
19:30 Dinner (at own cost)
Tuesday, May 31, 2022
Pontifical Faculty of Theology, ul. Katedralna 9
9:00 Opening
9:10 A Word from the Rectors of PFT and EST
9:30 Dr. Joanna Giel, University of Wrocław: “Edyta Stein i Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Próba porównania z perspektywy biograficznej”
10:00 Prof. Barry Harvey, Baylor University, USA: “Cheap Grace Abounding: The Barmen Declaration, A Declaration on the “Russian World” (Russkii Mir) Teaching, and Protestantism Without Reformation”
10:30 Fr. Prof. Janusz Królikowski, The Pontifical University of John Paul II, Kraków: “Edith Stein i Żydzi”
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Prof. Leon Miodoński, University of Wrocław: “Pomiędzy psychologią a fenomenologią – filozoficzne rozterki Edyty Stein”
12:00 Prof. Philip Ziegler, University of Aberdeen, Scotland UK: “Analogia liberationis: God’s freedom and ours in Bonhoeffer’s Theology “
12:30 Prof. Piotr Lorek, Evangelical School of Theology, Wrocław: “Absolutna wolność człowieka w filozofii zen (D. T. Suzuki) i teologii ewangelickiej (D. Bonhoeffer)”
13:00 Fr. Prof. Bogdan Ferdek, Pontifical Faculty of Theology, Wrocław: “Wrocławskie drogi do wolności: Edith Stein i Dietrich Bonhoeffer”
13:45 Lunch
15:00 Dr. Helena Anna Jędrzejczak, Educational Research Institute, Warsaw: Idea wolności w „Etyce” – podstawa teologii politycznej Bonhoeffera
15:30 Prof. Marcel Macelaru, University of Arad, Romania: “Reading the Bible with Bonhoeffer: A Case of Transformative Hermeneutics”
16:00 Rev. Dr. Andras Czepregi, John Wesley Theological School, Budapest, Hungary: “Bonhoeffer’s Theory of Freedom and his Free Choices at the Turning Points of his Life”
16:30 Conclusion
Church of God’s Providence, Ul. Kazimierza Wielkiego 29
18:30 Greeting
18:35 Wrocław Roads to Freedom: In commemorating of the 25th anniversary of the Polish Section of the International Bonhoeffer Society
Edward Skubisz, Janusz Witt
18:50 Concert: “An Evening Hymn”, Joanna Klisowska (soprano) and Dawid Ślusarczyk (Organ)
19:20 Ending
19:30 Dinner (at own cost)
Wednesday, June 1, 2022
Evangelical School of Theology, ul. Św. Jadwigi 12
9:00 Rev. Dr. Keith Clements, Former General Secretary of the Conference of European Churches, Bristol UK: “‘Today’ moments in the troubled life of Bonhoeffer: March 1939 and his commendation of the Catholic Modernist Friedrich von Hügel as an example “
9:30 Rev. Dr. Samuel Randall, Founding Director of Radio Maria in Australia: “Beyond Supersessionism. Stein and Bonhoeffer as a resource for ecumenical rapprochement”
10:00 Rev. Gottfried Brezger, Bonhoeffer House, Berlin: “Dietrich Bonhoeffer 1941. Peace aims for the time after the war in an ecumenical perspective: God’s command in a secular world “
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 Rev. Dr. prof. Carlos Caldas, Pontifical Catholic University of Minas, Brazil: “Freedom and Responsibility in Bonhoeffer’s Ethics – a Challenge for our Troubled Times”
11:30 Márta Cserháti, Evangelical-Lutheran University of Theology, Budapest, Hungary: “Emic and etic approaches in religious studies”
Emic and etic approaches in religious studies
12:00 Rev. Dr. Joel Burnell, EST: “Dietrich Bonhoeffer meets Leonard Cohen: Thoughts on Freedom in Time of War “
12:30 Discussion, summary
13:30 Lunch
15:00 Dietrich Bonhoeffer House / Peace Church – Świdnica
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